Perinatal Mental Health Training opportunity

30th June 2017 10am – 4.30pm (registration from 9.30am)

The Pavilions, Bridgwater Rd, Bristol BS99 6ZZ

I’m Fine Poster

Your work brings you into contact with new mums and their babies. From time to time you will see a pregnant or new mother who is concerned or others are concerned about her mental health.

Perinatal mental health problems are constantly in the top 3 causes of maternal death. Mental illness in a mother has implications for her, her baby and her wider family and yet commonly when a woman in difficulty sees a health professional she minimises or denies problems – often due to shame, fear, guilt and hopelessness. Time and again women say “I’m Fine” when the reality is very different. “I’m Fine” training gives front line staff a methodical system to gather information, assess risk and to make an informed decision with a woman about next steps.

For more information or to  book your place please email:

It is a funded course so there is no charge to delegates or to organisations.