Making your community a suicide-safer community

27th October 2017 9.30am-1pm

Imperial Hotel Stroud - cost £60


Last month figures released by the government indicated that the south west of England had the highest rate of suicide of any region in England. Over the course of 2016, 12.2 people in every 100,000 took their own lives, though the rate increased to 18.8 in 100,000 males yet across England, suicide was listed as the cause of death for 9.5 per 100,000 population*.

Now Relate Gloucestershire and Swindon are calling for local communities in the South West to increase their knowledge in recognising suicide danger by offering a course in Stroud to anyone over the age of 15 (not just qualified counsellors) who want to become a suicide-alert helper.

Kimberley Wall, Service Development Manager at Relate Gloucestershire and Swindon says that;

“We have decided to offer the Suicide safeTALK course to increase the chances of local towns becoming suicide-safer communities. Our aim should be to have at least one suicide-alert helper in every organisation, workplace, church and school so that early signs of suicidal behaviour are more likely to be identified.

“The course is based on the notion that invitations for help are usually overlooked, maybe because we believe only professionals could help in these situations but the reality is that whoever is present at the time is who will make the difference between life and death. This half day course will give more people in the community the confidence and tools to become alert to the dangers of suicide and signpost vulnerable people in the right direction”.

The course is on the 27th of October in Stroud and costs £60 to attend. There are limited spaces available so in order to reserve your place please contact Relate Gloucestershire and Swindon by email or telephone 01242 521215 for a booking form. You can also visit their website on for more information.

Suicide safeTALK is owned and delivered by LivingWorks, a world leader in suicide intervention training.