Dementia PLT session

10th December 2014 Lunch is available from 12.30. The programme runs from 13.00 - 16.30.

Cheltenham Racecourse

The Frail Older People Clinical Programme Group is holding a GGPET accredited countywide dementia PLT session on 10 December at Cheltenham Racecourse for primary care teams.

The event will focus on current issues in  primary care for dementia: diagnosing in practice, prescribing, dementia specialist support and the potential to improve QoF return through coding review.   

An open invitation is extended to pharmacists/Healthy Living Champions in Gloucestershire to attend. There is no backfill funding available, however if anyone is able to go it is a good opportunity to be involved in a multi-disciplinary event and pharmacy teams will be made most welcome.

Detailed information, guidance and FAQs can be found on the refreshed CCG dementia webpage CCG Live Dementia.

 To book your place, contact / 0300 421 1852 or / 0300 421 1938.