Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

16th May 2016 Two day course

Gloucestershire - contact for details

The ASIST programme is the world’s most widely used suicide prevention training.

Applied Suicide Prevention Skills Training (ASIST) is an interactive and practical two day course that aims to:

  • help people to recognise the signs that someone is considering suicide
  • gain the skills and confidence to respond appropriately and intervene to prevent immediate risk of suicide. ASIST has been described as a form of ‘suicide first aid’.

ASIST Training ASIST is a two day course that prepares caregivers including those in professional roles to provide suicide life-assisting, first aid intervention. ASIST teaches Pathways for Assisting Life (PAL), which is a practical guide to undertaking suicide interventions. The training will enable participants to develop confidence and skills through observation and supervised simulation (role play and skills practice) in small groups. During the course you will have an opportunity to explore personal or professional experiences of suicide and space and support to focus on how your experiences with suicide impact on your beliefs and attitudes about using suicide first aid. It is anticipated that everyone taking part in the course will do so with the intention of becoming a registered ASIST Caregiver.

Full flyer for ASIST training

How to book

Contact the council in the area in which you want to book to secure places or to discuss any queries you may have:
